Learn some facts about space
Why distances in space are not measured in miles and kilometers
Distance in space is measured in light years. Although the word has a year, it is a unit of distance, not time. The distance that light travels in a year is called a light year.
We can also express that distance in miles and kilometers. For example, one light year is equal to 5 lakh 8 thousand crore miles, 9 lakh 46 thousand crore in kilometers. Yet the distance in space is measured in light years, why not in miles-kilometers?
According to Space.com, measuring miles or kilometers on a vast scale like the universe is not exactly 'pet'. It's a lot like measuring distance on foot. As we say, it takes 25 minutes to walk, 45 minutes by bus if there is no traffic jam etc. And astronomers measure the distance of a star as it takes time for light to come to us from the star. For example, the nearest star to the Sun, Proxima Center, is 4.2 light-years from Earth.
How far is one light year?
The speed of light is not the same as the speed at which a car can move. The speed of light in space is immutable. 6 crore 6 lakh 17 thousand 629 miles per hour or 106 crore 92 lakh 52 thousand 649 kilometers per hour.
If you want to know the distance of one light year, you have to multiply this number by the total number of hours in a year (6,006). In other words, one light year means 5 lakh 6 thousand 62 crore 53 lakh 60 thousand miles per hour. Looking at the number, it is natural that the distance seems wide. But if you keep in mind the size of the universe, it is nothing.
Why is the distance measured in light years in space?
In cosmic calculations, it is very difficult and unrealistic to keep accounts in miles and kilometers. For example, the Orion Nebula is 7 crore 61 lakh crore miles away from us. In other words, 1300 light years away.
The center of our galaxy is 2600 light-years from Earth. The Andromeda galaxy is 2.5 million light-years away. Many of the galaxies discovered are billions of light-years away. There is no point in expressing this distance in miles and kilometers.
History of the space station
This ISS but what was the story of the beginning is gone There was a time in the story of the beginning when the space station was just a science fiction. But the face of reality has come a long way when it comes to the International Space Station.
On January 25, 1974, he ordered Natak to build a space station through international cooperation and partnership with other countries. In 10 years so that people can do research in a more perfect way from space. Japan, Canada and Europe signed a partnership agreement on the project two years after the space station was built.
But the financial crisis in this project cost about 36.3 billion US dollars to build the designed station. On the other hand, after the death of the space shuttle challenger7, many presidents raised questions about the safety of this project. After Bill Clinton came to power, he ordered it to be redesigned in 1994, but this time with the cost aspect in mind, it was ordered to be redesigned and some other countries to cooperate.
Russian Space Agency
The Russian space agency sent a proton to the rocket on July 12, 2000. The third connected to the ISS to connect with the ISS is used for communication and living in space. And the funding for this work is a strange thing. They saw the advertisement of Pizza Hut in the rocket at the launch of several photos, but due to the financial crisis, there was no vacancy date in this mission.
So if the rocket is destroyed for any reason, America has interim control to prevent delay. Modules but they were not needed so it was canceled. A few months later, in November, the first three inhabitants of space on the Expedition mission set out for 136 people. In ISS they are William Shepherd American Eurasian and Sergei Brin Pal's Russian.
We are sinking to the bottom of a huge ocean," said Torricelli, the scientist who invented the barometer.
That's really it. At the bottom of that sea we humans live like ants. And our blue round planet is floating in space with us. The atmosphere surrounds the earth. Three-quarters of the atmosphere is within just 11 kilometers of the earth's surface. The farther you go, the smaller the thickness of the air. But where exactly is the last point of the Earth's atmosphere located? There is no clear definition in this regard.
The Karman line is a line 100 km from the earth's surface. It is often considered the boundary between outer space and the earth. The distance of the line is 1.56 parts of the radius of the earth. However, when the spacecraft returned to Earth, but at a distance of 120 km, it began to collide with the particles of the atmosphere. The spacecraft also has a special defense system to prevent damage from the collision.
So how far is the Earth's atmosphere? The European Space Agency (ESA) has recently given a reliable answer in this regard. In this work they have used 20 years old data of Soho Observatory. Their published results are quite startling. Geocrona is the name of the region just outside the Earth's atmosphere. And this geocorona extends far beyond the boundaries of the moon. Geo means the world. And corona means crown. That means Geocrona stands for the crown of the earth.
Scientists have known about geocrona before. You know, it's basically made up of hydrogen atoms. However, it was not known exactly how far it was spread. This time its boundaries were known. In fact, just saying that the moon has crossed the border does not mean its true identity.
It extends about twice as far from the moon's orbit. The average distance of the moon from the earth is 3 lakh 64 thousand kilometers. And the extent of geocorona is 6 lakh 30 thousand kilometers. The distance is 50 times the diameter of the earth. This means that the moon revolves around the earth from inside the earth's atmosphere.
The Soho project started in 1995. The full name is Solar and Heliospheric Observatory. Although the name is Observatory, it is actually a kind of spacecraft. It was started by a joint venture of NASA and Acer. Although the work started for two years, today the vehicle is still working after 24 years.
Swan is the name of an instrument. This device has gathered information about the geocorona of the earth. The presence of hydrogen in the geocrona has been determined by analyzing the data provided by Swan. Besides, it has also become possible to know exactly where Geocrona ended.
Many times we see something like a crown around the moon or the sun. However, this crown is not the crown of the sun or the moon itself. It is the manipulation of the earth's atmosphere.The study was led by Igor Baliukin, a scientist at the Russian Space Research Institute.